Tag Archives: Campaign

Campaign #85

Issue 85 of Campaign (May-June  1978) featured a review and beginning Japanese strategy for Victory in the Pacific.

Napoleon and the Revolution At War * Christian Q. Ness
Victory in the Pacific: A Review * Gerard Lannigan
Japanese Strategy In Victory in the Pacific * Don Lowry
On the Path of the Rational Tactical War Game * Lorrin Bird
Blitzkrieg 1940: Variants for WWII and Third Reich * Leonard H. Kanterman
Game Design: Realism and Playability * Al Nofi
Game Review: Warlord * Jay Reese
A New Look at WWII * John Michalski and Ronald Mazurkeiwicz
Origins 78: A Unique Gaming Adventure * Paul Wood
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #83

The January-February 1978 issue of Campaign (#83), featured a historical article originally written for Conflict magazine, which failed before it was published, and the third and final part of Jack Greene’s sequel to his Cathedrals of Wargaming travelogue.

The Fall of France * Robert Gennette
The Cathedrals of Wargaming Revisited Part III * Jack Greene, Jr.
Keeping the Colonies Royal * Thomas Dworschak
Panzer Leader: The Encirclement of Nancy * Jeffery Paul Jones
The Economics of Origins * Don Greenwood
Origins ’78 in Michigan: How the Site Was Chosen * Al Macintyre
Suggestions to Improve Future Origins * Al Macintyre
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Gamesmanship * Tom Wham
The SDC Report * Dana F. Lombardy & T.P. Schweider
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #82

The November-December 1977 issue (#82) featured part two of Jack Greene’s sequel to his Cathedrals of Wargaming travelogue and an extensive article on The Russian Campaign.

Strategies and Tactics in Russian Campaign * Alan Emrich
The Cathedrals of Wargaming Revisited Part II * Jack Greene, Jr.
The First Day of Gettysburg * Tom Dworschak
The Unsung * Peter D. Wells
Panzergruppe Guderian: A Rebuttal * Charles Starks
Favorite Games * Don Greenwood
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
The SDC Report * Editor
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #81

Issue 81 (September-October 1977) featured a historical article by John Prados and part one Jack Greene’s sequel to his Cathedrals of Wargaming travelogue from issue #71.

The Japanese at Santa Cruz * John Prados
The Cathedrals Wargaming Revisited Part I * Jack Greene, Jr.
Introduction to Yourself: Dungeons & Dragons for Beginners * Len Kanterman and Charles Elsden
Third Reich: Twisting the Allies’ Tail * Ted Shalack
En Garde! * Scott Renner
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
The SDC Report: The SDC Saga Part I * Editor
Movie Review: Star Wars * Linda Rader
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #80

Issue 80 (July-August 1977) continued with the new title and cover format. In this case the cover was blown up and printed on chipboard, where it would serve as a convention advertisement for the next few years.

Bull Run II: Situation and Game * Jerrold Thomas
An Interview with Richard Berg * Patrick A. Flory
The Bull Stops Here * Patrick A. Flory
Wargaming in Europe 1973-76 * Cpt. Henry C. Robinette
Metamorphosis Alpha: A Game For Everyone * Jeffery Paul Jones
Orccon I * Frank Peterson
Campaign Subscibers’ Annual Awards * Editor
Primary in Continental * Vance von Borries
A Review of the Movie, Wizards * Linda Rader
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
The SDC Report: Kesselschlact is Coming! * Editor
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #79

Issue 79 (May-June 1977) saw the final name change to Campaign and a redesign of the cover by Dana Lombardy to a full-bleed image with a ‘featured’ block in the lower-right corner.

An Interview With James Dunnigan * Patrick A. Flory
Game Analysis: Panzergruppe Guderian * Larry Lippert and Gregory Mumm
King Arthur vs. The Saxons * John Van Devender
Avalanche * Scott Renner
East Front: A Review * Mitch Gniadek
In Defense of Oil War * Mike Saunders
A Wargamer’s Index to Panzerfaust & Campaign * Roland Wong
Game Design: The Simulation as Game * Albert A. Nofi
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
The SDC Report * Dana Lombardy and T.P. Schweider
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #1

After Don Lowry took over Panzerfaust he found he was receiving far more good history article submissions than he could justify publishing in a gaming magazine. So, Campaign was launched in 1973 as a military history magazine.

It was originally intended  to be bimonthly, publishing alternately to Panzerfaust. However, by the time it was published, this plan had been changed to quarterly, and the first issue had been delayed from April to Summer.

It was also destined to be the only issue of Campaign (in this incarnation), as Don Lowry found that producing two magazines at the same time was more effort than could be sustained (also at this point Lowry Enterprises—the company that held all the various specialized businesses, like Panzerfaust Publishing—was under increasing financial strain), so the magazine was cancelled and subscriptions rolled back into Panzerfaust.

But, Don Lowry also eventually decided to change the name of Panzerfaust, renaming it to Panzerfaust and Campaign in 1976, and then just Campaign about a year and a half later. So, this single issue of a military history magazine is a part of the history of Panzerfaust.

Editorial * Don Lowry
Assault at Dawn: The Mexican Army at the Alamo * John B. Lundstrom
The Vietnam Campaign 1950-54 * Gregory H. Hail
War at Sea: The High Seas Fleet * Robert G. Dick
The Soviet Air Forces at the Start of the Great Patriotic War * Ron Mazurkiewicz
Book Review: The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands * Gary Gygax

Available at Wargame Vault.