Tag Archives: Campaign

Campaign #96

The 96th issue of Campaign (March-April 1980, mistakenly labeled as #95 on the cover) featured reviews of Korsun, Tank Charts, and Stomp!

Questions of Balance * Tyrone Bomba
Tank Charts: A Review * Lorrin Bird
Star Web Part IV: Conflict and Correspondence * Don Lowry
Dresden * Dan Campagna
Stomp: Or How to Getta Kick Outta Chaosium * Jeffery Paul Jones
How to Organize a Wargaming Club * Joel Haas
Book Review: How We Won WWIII As Told by Western Europe * John Olsen
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Keven Pollock & Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #95

The January-February 1980 issue of Campaign (#95) featured reviews of Magic Realm, Dark December, Battles for the Ardennes, Kaiserschlact, and Marita-Merkur, as well as designer’s notes on Bismark (’78).

Magic Realm: AH’s Contribution to Schizophrenia * Jeffery Paul Jones
Parker vs. Parker: Dark December and Battles for the Ardennes * Kevin Pollock
Running Men With Rifles * Tyrone Bomba
Kaiserschalct Designer’s Response * Richard Spence
A Review of Marita-Merkur * Henry C. Robinette
Tank Commander’s Notebook * Lorrin Bird
The Bismark Project * Jack Greene, Jr.
Thumnail Analysis * Kevin Pollock and Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #93

Campaign #93 (September-October 1979) featured a review of The Creature That Ate Sheboygan, and a strategy article for The Battle for Germany.

Tet Offensive, 1968 * John Hill
The WHAT That Did WHAT to WHERE?! * Tyrone Bomba
The Battle For Germany: Opening Moves * Harold Totten
Cross of Iron and the Battle of Sidi Rezegh * Lorrin Bird
Game Design: Supply * Lawrence Mercer
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #92

Issue #92 of Campaign magazine (July-August 1979) featured reviews of Battles for the Ardennes and War Between the States.

Once More Into the Woods: A Review of Battles For the Ardennes * Tyrone Bomba
Star Web Part III: Expansion and Diplomacy * Don Lowry
War Between the States: A Review and Analysis * John Joseph
Modernizing Those Modern Armor Rules * Lorrin Bird
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #91

Issue #91 (May-June 1979) of Campaign magazine featured a new logo and cover design, and reviews of Panzerkrieg, Swords & Sorcery, and Gamma World.

Duel on the Steppes: A Review of Panzerkrieg * Tyrone Bomba
Swords and Sorcery: Or What To Do ‘Til the Killer Penguins Arrive * Kevin Pollock
Alpha vs. Gamma: The Future Matures * Jeffery Paul Jones
Operational Analysis: Fury In the West * Bill Haggart
The Better, Bigger Game * John Desmond
Miniature Warfare * Lorrin Bird
Three Hours South: OrcCon 1979 * Jack Greene
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #90

Issue #90 of Campaign magazine (March April 1979) featured a close look at Tobruk.

The Weapons and Tactics of Tobruk * Lorrin Bird
Additions to War of the Ring * Don Lowry
The Confederate Navy, 1861-1865 * John W. Mauzey, Jr.
Napoleon: In the Strategic Sense * Michael E. Crane
Some Strategic and Tactical Hints to Overlord * Jack Greene, Jr.
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #89

The January-February 1979 issue of Campaign (#89) featured a review of Cross of Iron‘s armor rules, and the start of an extended replay of a StarWeb game.

Brazen Chariots: A Review of the Cross of Iron Armor Rules * Lorrin Bird
StarWeb Part II: Opening Moves * Don Lowry
A Review of Perilous Encounters * Kevin Pollock
The German High Seas Fleet: A Critical Analysis * Tom Dworschak
To Ann Arbor and Back With the Citadel Wargamers * Patrick A. Flory
Real World Wargaming (or How I Spent My Summer Vacation) * Tom Cleaver
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Campaign #88

The November-December 1978 (#88) issue of Campaign featured a review of Cross of Iron, and the start of a new column of capsule reviews of RPG products.

Cross of Iron: A Review * Lorrin Bird
Retreat Hell!: A review of Yalu * Tyrone Bomba
The War Elephant * Dan Fournie
Rebalancing Victory in the Pacific * Tom Dworschak
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #87

The 87th issue of Campaign (September-October 1978) featured a look at the equipment in Squad Leader, and reviews of a number of science fiction games.

The Weapons and Tactics of Squad Leader * Lorrin Bird
Starships & Spacemen: Close Encounters of the Usual Kind * Jeffrey Paul Jones
Upward and Outward: New Fantasy and Science Fiction Games * Charles Elsden
A Referee’s Guide to Star Empires * Norman S. Howe
PBM Troopers * Leslie Doggrell
Skill and Chance in Modern Games – A Critique * Jay Reese
Game Design: Simulation vs. Gamesmanship * Len Kanterman & Doug Bonforte
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #86

Issue 86 of Campaign magazine (July-August 1978) featured a look at a Revolutionary War reenactment unit, and reviews of Air Assault on Crete and Star Web.

The Ultimate Wargame * Gregory J.W. Urwin
Air Assault on Crete: Review, Analysis and Impressions * John G. Alsen
Star Web Part I: Review * Don Lowry
Anzio Addendum * Tom Olessen
Starting a College Wargame Club * Raymond Hosler
Campaign Subscribers’ Annual Awards * Editor
Another Russian Start for Russian Campaign * Patrick A. Flory
Case White * Bill Stone
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
The SDC Report * Simulations Design Corporation
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.