Campaign #79

Issue 79 (May-June 1977) saw the final name change to Campaign and a redesign of the cover by Dana Lombardy to a full-bleed image with a ‘featured’ block in the lower-right corner.

An Interview With James Dunnigan * Patrick A. Flory
Game Analysis: Panzergruppe Guderian * Larry Lippert and Gregory Mumm
King Arthur vs. The Saxons * John Van Devender
Avalanche * Scott Renner
East Front: A Review * Mitch Gniadek
In Defense of Oil War * Mike Saunders
A Wargamer’s Index to Panzerfaust & Campaign * Roland Wong
Game Design: The Simulation as Game * Albert A. Nofi
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
The SDC Report * Dana Lombardy and T.P. Schweider
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #78

Issue 78 (March-April 1977) of Panzerfaust and Campaign kept the same general cover design as the previous issue.

Jerusalem! A Strategic & Tactical Analysis * Leonard Kanterman and Lewis Ritter
Two Years Down the Line: Evaluation of a Strategic Wargame * John Prados
Military Islam * Thomas E. Hilton
Strategy in Dungeon * John Michalski
Napoleon’s Last Battles: A Look at Wavre, the Double Delyaing Action * Roland Wong
Game Design: CRTs and Game Design Trade-Offs * Steven List
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #77

The cover layout changed for issue 77 (January-February 1977) of Panzerfaust and Campaign, avoiding a need for a full bleed, but overall format of the magazine stayed the same.

The 40th Regiment of Foot * Gregory J.W. Urwin
Armies of the Waterloo Campaign * Kerry Hanscom
From Panzer Leader to Pz44 and Back Again * Patrick A. Flory
Strategy in Third Reich * Bill Bishop
Is Everyone Out There Mad? * Norman S. Howe
WWII: A German Victory * John M. Astell
Game Design: The Monster That Ate SPI (We Hope Almost) * John Prados
Thumbnail Analysis * Editor
Book Review * Don Lowry
Mail Call
G2 Reports * Editor

Available on Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #76

The third full-size issue of Panzerfaust and Campaign (#76, November-December 1976) gained another four pages, but kept the same overall format, and used the same cover illo as #52.

How to Lose Chickamauga and Enjoy it * Frank Peterson
Conquering the Reichswald * Jeffery Paul Jones
Origins II: My First National Convention * John L. Ryan
Our Most Worthy Enemy * Robert A. Braun
Tactics in Russian Campaign * Thomas E. Hilton
Third Reich: The German’s Options * Michael J. Panicali
Aggressiveness in African Campaign * John Michalski
Game Design: A Four CRT System * Patrick A. Flory
Miniature Warfare * Editor
Thumbnail Analysis * Editor
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available at Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #75

The second full-size issue of Panzerfaust and Campaign (#75, September-October 1976) gained four pages, but kept the same overall format.

The Cortés Expedition * Albert A. Nofi
Harold the Unlucky * John Van Devender
Destroyed in Action: The Problem With Fast Carriers * Thomas Dworschak
Air-Surface Attack in Fast Carriers * Clifford L. Sayre, Jr.
History Rewritten: 4 New Scenarios for Third Reich * Robert Young
Bulge: Revisiting An Old Friend * Gerard Lannigan
The Original Gettysburg * Fred M. Sassin
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Book Review * Don Lowry
Mail Call

Available at Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #74

Panzerfaust and Campaign went to full size (8 ½” × 11″) with the July-August 1976 issue. Page count went down to compensate, but overall size went up.

Tactics in Drang Nach Osten and Untentschieden * Thomas Hughes
A PanzerBlitz Ramble * Herschel M. Sarnoff
The African Campaign * Charles Starks
The Alost-Chyse Campaign * Frank Peterson and Ben Wright
Game Critique: Kasserine Pass * Vance von Borries
The Siege of Port Arthur: Can the Russians Win? * Roger Hotz and John David Truty
German Blitzkrieg in WWII * Tom Oleson
State of the Art: Game Review * Harold Totten
The Blue Light Manual Debate * Ed Pauley and Don Lowry
Game Design: A CRT Rebuttal * John Michalski
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available at Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #73

May-June 1976 issue of Panzerfaust and Campaign would be the last one in digest format. Feature articles were on the Algerian War and Avalon Hill’s 1776.

Colonial Twilight * John Prados
In Pursuit of Greene and Lafayette * Gregory J.W. Urwin
Drang Nach Osten!: A Strategic Analysis * Gerard S. Lannigan
German Strategy: War At Sea * Steve Kane
Tactical Techniques of Bar Lev * 1Lt. Henry C. Robinette
Designer’s Notes: Ancient Conquest * Dennis P. O’Leary
Game Design: More Thoughts on CRTs * Bill Stone
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available at Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #72

The March-April 1976 issue of Panzerfaust and Campaign featured the first annual subscriber awards (with the actual awards presented at Origins II).

The Battle of Breitenfeld I Kent H. Clotfelter
Wargaming in Britain * Jack Greene, Jr.
Solitaire Panzerblitz * Herschel M. Sarnoff
French Victory in France 1940 * Chuck Hall
Bar Lev * John Gordon
The Nazgul * Steve Kane
Defending Omaha Beach * Jeffery Paul Jones
A Look At the ‘New’ Blitzkrieg * Vance von Borries & James W. Stendera
The Battle of The Five Armies * Martin J. Greenan
More or Better * Mark Blackburn
Official Rule Changes: Russian Campaign & Napoleon by Jedko & Gamma Two
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
G2 Reports
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
Mail Call

Available at Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust and Campaign #71

In January-February 1976, the magazine had its first name change, to Panzerfaust and Campaign, the start of a transition that would finish in 1977. The feature article was a travelogue encompassing Origins I and several wargame companies.

My Pilgrimage to the Cathedrals of Wargaming * Jack Greene, Jr.
The Campaign and Battle of Brussels * Don Lowry
Rommel: The War for North Africa * H.M. Sarnoff
The Southern Strategy * Chuck Holland
La Bataille de la Moskowa * Charles Starks
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available at Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust #70

The November-December 1975 issue was the last one under the original Panzerfaust name. This issue featured the news from Origins I, and interviews with Gamma Two (Columbia) Games and Jedko Games.

Origins I * Charles Starks
Wargames North of the Border * Jack Greene, Jr. & Larry E. Hoffman
Wargaming Down Under * Jack Greene, Jr.
Caesar, Beware the Orders of Battle * Garry Gygax
Minuteman: Revolutionary or Not * Greg Novak
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
What Kind of Person Reads PF? * Editor
Mail Call

Available at Wargame Vault.