All posts by Rindis

Campaign #96

The 96th issue of Campaign (March-April 1980, mistakenly labeled as #95 on the cover) featured reviews of Korsun, Tank Charts, and Stomp!

Questions of Balance * Tyrone Bomba
Tank Charts: A Review * Lorrin Bird
Star Web Part IV: Conflict and Correspondence * Don Lowry
Dresden * Dan Campagna
Stomp: Or How to Getta Kick Outta Chaosium * Jeffery Paul Jones
How to Organize a Wargaming Club * Joel Haas
Book Review: How We Won WWIII As Told by Western Europe * John Olsen
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Keven Pollock & Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #95

The January-February 1980 issue of Campaign (#95) featured reviews of Magic Realm, Dark December, Battles for the Ardennes, Kaiserschlact, and Marita-Merkur, as well as designer’s notes on Bismark (’78).

Magic Realm: AH’s Contribution to Schizophrenia * Jeffery Paul Jones
Parker vs. Parker: Dark December and Battles for the Ardennes * Kevin Pollock
Running Men With Rifles * Tyrone Bomba
Kaiserschalct Designer’s Response * Richard Spence
A Review of Marita-Merkur * Henry C. Robinette
Tank Commander’s Notebook * Lorrin Bird
The Bismark Project * Jack Greene, Jr.
Thumnail Analysis * Kevin Pollock and Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #94

Issue #94 of Campaign magazine (November-December 1979) featured reviews of Ney vs Wellington and John Carter, as well as strategy articles for The Russian Campaign, Yalu, and Imperium.

‘Fantasy’ Armor Miniatures * Lorrin Bird
Little is Better: A Look at Ney vs. Wellington * Kevin Pollock
Hell No, It Won’t Go! * Tyrone Bomba
An Examination of Russian Strategy in Russian Campaign * Ronald D. Morley
Yalu: An Opening Move and Strategy * Henry C. Robinette
The Warlord of Mars Lives: A Review of SPI’s John Carter * Dale Okada
Strategies for Imperium: These Stars Are Mine! * John M. Astell
The Battle of Guilford Courthouse: Or the British Just Keep Coming and Coming and Coming… * Henry Milanski
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry, Stephen List, Stephen M. Newberg
Miniature Warfare * Don Lowry
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #93

Campaign #93 (September-October 1979) featured a review of The Creature That Ate Sheboygan, and a strategy article for The Battle for Germany.

Tet Offensive, 1968 * John Hill
The WHAT That Did WHAT to WHERE?! * Tyrone Bomba
The Battle For Germany: Opening Moves * Harold Totten
Cross of Iron and the Battle of Sidi Rezegh * Lorrin Bird
Game Design: Supply * Lawrence Mercer
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #92

Issue #92 of Campaign magazine (July-August 1979) featured reviews of Battles for the Ardennes and War Between the States.

Once More Into the Woods: A Review of Battles For the Ardennes * Tyrone Bomba
Star Web Part III: Expansion and Diplomacy * Don Lowry
War Between the States: A Review and Analysis * John Joseph
Modernizing Those Modern Armor Rules * Lorrin Bird
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Lowrys Guidon #6

The sixth issue of Lowrys Guidon came out in near the end of 1973, but carries no date… or issue number. In fact, even the title is on the inside front cover.

Chainmail Additions * W.A. Rogers
Tokenism, the Robber * James Broussard

And two pages featuring thoroughly out-of-date listings for Airfix, Eidai, Fujimi, and Hasegawa models. A two-page listing of items on sale as they were dropped from the catalog, and advertisements for Short Rules and Tricolor from Guidon Games (which was cancelled, and published by TSR later).

Campaign #91

Issue #91 (May-June 1979) of Campaign magazine featured a new logo and cover design, and reviews of Panzerkrieg, Swords & Sorcery, and Gamma World.

Duel on the Steppes: A Review of Panzerkrieg * Tyrone Bomba
Swords and Sorcery: Or What To Do ‘Til the Killer Penguins Arrive * Kevin Pollock
Alpha vs. Gamma: The Future Matures * Jeffery Paul Jones
Operational Analysis: Fury In the West * Bill Haggart
The Better, Bigger Game * John Desmond
Miniature Warfare * Lorrin Bird
Three Hours South: OrcCon 1979 * Jack Greene
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Campaign #90

Issue #90 of Campaign magazine (March April 1979) featured a close look at Tobruk.

The Weapons and Tactics of Tobruk * Lorrin Bird
Additions to War of the Ring * Don Lowry
The Confederate Navy, 1861-1865 * John W. Mauzey, Jr.
Napoleon: In the Strategic Sense * Michael E. Crane
Some Strategic and Tactical Hints to Overlord * Jack Greene, Jr.
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.

Panzerfaust #52

The final issue of Don Greenwood’s run on Panzerfaust is now available! This issue (March-April 1972) had already gone to being printed by Don Lowry, but still from typewritten layouts.

Recon: Editorial
Wargamer of the Month: Martin Campion * Editor
Diplomacy: The Mythology of Chance in Diplomacy * Rick Brooks
A Second Look at D-Day ’65 * Chuck Lane
German Defense in Anzio * Harold Totten
Panzerblitz Defenses * Vance von Bories
A Wargamer’s Guide to the ACW, Part II * Don Lowry
Wargamer’s Notebook * Editor
Line of Communications * Editor
Thumbnail Analysis * Editor
Pass in Review * Editor
Chainmail Additions * Len Lakofka
A First Look at Poland, 1939 * George Phillies
Second Punic War: A Basic Game of Strategy * J.E. Pournelle, PhD.
Impulse Movement * Roy Matheson
Miniature Warfare * Gary Gygax
331 BC * Donald Greenwood
Book Review * Damian Housman
GHQ Novice Rules * Joe Tovar
Fall Barbarossa: The German Offensive in Stalingrad * Harold Totten
PanzerBlitz Changes * Denis Fustini
Close Assault Tactics * Vance von Borries

Available at Wargame Vault.

Campaign #89

The January-February 1979 issue of Campaign (#89) featured a review of Cross of Iron‘s armor rules, and the start of an extended replay of a StarWeb game.

Brazen Chariots: A Review of the Cross of Iron Armor Rules * Lorrin Bird
StarWeb Part II: Opening Moves * Don Lowry
A Review of Perilous Encounters * Kevin Pollock
The German High Seas Fleet: A Critical Analysis * Tom Dworschak
To Ann Arbor and Back With the Citadel Wargamers * Patrick A. Flory
Real World Wargaming (or How I Spent My Summer Vacation) * Tom Cleaver
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Book Review * Don Lowry
G2 Reports * Editor
Mail Call