Lowrys Guidon #6

The sixth issue of Lowrys Guidon came out in near the end of 1973, but carries no date… or issue number. In fact, even the title is on the inside front cover.

Chainmail Additions * W.A. Rogers
Tokenism, the Robber * James Broussard

And two pages featuring thoroughly out-of-date listings for Airfix, Eidai, Fujimi, and Hasegawa models. A two-page listing of items on sale as they were dropped from the catalog, and advertisements for Short Rules and Tricolor from Guidon Games (which was cancelled, and published by TSR later).

Campaign #91

Issue #91 (May-June 1979) of Campaign magazine featured a new logo and cover design, and reviews of Panzerkrieg, Swords & Sorcery, and Gamma World.

Duel on the Steppes: A Review of Panzerkrieg * Tyrone Bomba
Swords and Sorcery: Or What To Do ‘Til the Killer Penguins Arrive * Kevin Pollock
Alpha vs. Gamma: The Future Matures * Jeffery Paul Jones
Operational Analysis: Fury In the West * Bill Haggart
The Better, Bigger Game * John Desmond
Miniature Warfare * Lorrin Bird
Three Hours South: OrcCon 1979 * Jack Greene
Impressions From the Prism * Jeffery Paul Jones
Thumbnail Analysis * Don Lowry
Press Releases * Editor
Mail Call

Available on Wargame Vault.