After escaping a supernova, Patch and I did our regular round of Commands & Colors: Ancients, this time playing the Battle of Baetis River from Expansion #3. Along with the Marian Legions rule (for both sides), there’s a fordable river,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged gaming
With six victories, and two defeats, I had no trouble passing to the second defense line in Mark and I’s modified Admiral’s Game campaign. No ships were destroyed, but three bases were. Five of my ships were damaged (including two[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
After trying out Serbien muẞ Sterbien, I introduced Mark to the Der Weltkrieg series, with the equivalent opening of the war in Serbia scenario from the Eastern Front set. We reprized our earlier roles, so I had the attacking Austro-Hungarians[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Mark and I spent a little time with a “modern” SFB scenario away from our Early Years campaign, with a Y162 scenario. This one features an early ISC force trying to rescue a colony (troop) transport from a pair of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is the fourteenth in a series of reviews of Paradox’s empire management games. See the earlier reviews here: Europa Universalis II: A Tale of Two Europas Hearts of Iron: Europa of Iron Victoria: Nineteenth Century Essay Crusader Kings: A[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A little bit ago, Patch and I finished our play-through of Y161 scenarios. The finale was a fleet battle of the Four Powers War. Patch initially looked at it and refused as it had far too many ships for what[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
After finishing First Timers, Patch and I went to our usual round of Commands & Colors: Ancients. Up this time was Colline Gate from Expansion #3. This is basically the end of the fight between Sulla and Marius (who is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
After failing to get some Ukrainian partisans out of a Russian search-and-destroy net, Patch and I went back to Hatten, for the third Hatten in Flames scenario, “First Timers”. I had the Americans, who are counterattacking in the eastern part[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Mark and I returned to GCACW a bit ago, and after casting around a bit ended up with this unusual scenario from Roads to Gettysburg. It is July 4, 1863, and the Army of North Virginia is headed back to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Last October, I finally got to try out GMT’s 1914 series. It had looked interesting from the start, with a detailed operational look at the start of WWI, where keeping armies and corps straight was important. It turned out to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…