Imperial Romulan Fleet |
SNP (AM): Year in Service: Y162. Police Snipe. An internal security version of the Snip, with no cloaking device. SNA (AM): Year in Service: Y162. Snipe. The smallest Romulan ship class, it is used for all manner of purposes, including escort and picket duty. BH (R4):Year in Service: Y162. Battlehawk. A competing design to the War Bird, it uses two plasma-G launchers and a smaller hull to provide additional flexibility to War Bird formations. WH-S (Y1): Year in Service: Y140. Warhawk. The first true carrier, it is a Hawk with five sub-light fighters carried onboard. WE (BS):Year in Service: Y162. War Eagle. The backbone of the Romulan fleet, and their most numerous class, it is literally built around the large plasma-R launcher. FLG (R8): Year in Service: Y162. Police Flagship. Meant to provide precinct commanders with a single ship that can be used for any role the police may need with a single ship. They are considered 'true' minesweepers, scouts, marine ships and repair ships under all the relevant rules. VUL (Y1):Year in Service: Y140. Vulture. A large dreadnought, mounting two of the huge plasma-R launchers, and meant to lead Romulan fleets into action. K5R (BS):Year in Service: Y160. Frigate. A Klingon F5 converted to Romulan technology. K5C (BS):Year in Service: Y162. Destroyer. A Klingon F5C converted to Romulan technology. KRT (AM):Year in Service: Y160. Tug. A Klingon T6 converted to Romulan technology. KR (BS):Year in Service: Y160. Cruiser. A Klingon D6 converted to Romulan technology. Annex: Fighters G-0i (CL38): Gladiator-0 (improved). Has a small stasis box that can hold (but not arm) a plasma-F torpedo, and is used as a platform to get extra plasma torpedoes in flight. G-Li (CL38): Gladiator-L (improved). Mounts a pair of low-power lasers to hunt shuttles and serve as extra point-defense. L-I (CL38): Legate-I. Planetary defense fighter with a pair of plasma-F torpedoes. M-III (CL38): Maniple-III. Heavy planetary defense fighter with a pair of plasma-F torpedoes. Star Fleet Battles, Star Fleet Universe, and all related materials and concepts are ©2025 ADB Inc. |