Klingon Deep Space Fleet |
G2 (AM): Year in Service: Y127. Police Gunboat. This is the primary ship of the Internal Security Force (ISF), and serves the same role as the Police Ship (POL) of other empires. It would be common to see them escorting civilian convoys. G2C: (R6): Year in Service: Y130. Police Leader. A leader variant of the G2, generally used to lead a squadron of convoy escorts. Unlike other leader types, which would often be about 1/4 of all the ships of that type, the G2C never numbered more than 1/10 the total number of G2s. G4 (R6): Year in Service: Y130. Police Flagship. Meant to provide precinct commanders with a single ship that can be used for any role the ISF may need with a single ship. Based off the hull of the E4, it is considered a 'true' minesweeper, scout, marine ship and repair ship under all the relevant rules. E3 (AM): Year in Service: Y120. Escort. This is the same hull as the G2, with different weapons. It is the first non-Early Years (Y-series) Klingon ship. Operated by the Deep Space Fleet (DSF), it would escort military convoys and larger ships. Some are also provided to the ISF. E3C (CL20): Year in Service: Y127. Escort Leader. This is a command version designed to provide leadership for convoy escort groups and patrol squadrons. E4 (BS): Year in Service: Y121. Escort. The main Klingon Frigate (FF) design. Full war-time production would be 6 E4s a year. E4G (M): Year in Service: Y126. Commando Escort. Mostly used to support or reinforce garrisons behind the lines. E4J (R3): Year in Service: Y135. Penal Escort. This is a penal ship used by the ISF for similar purposes to the D6J. E4S (R11): Year in Service: Y134. Scout. This is the standard fleet scout, and is used to supply EW support in large battles. E4T (R11): Year in Service: Y121. Transport. Used mainly for high-priority, low-volume cargo hauling. It is also capable of carrying a single pod (inactive). F5 (BS): Year in Service: Y135. Frigate. This larger frigate originally supplemented the E4, and will eventually largely supplant it. Full war-time production would be 4 F5s a year. Lacking a destroyer, the Klingons often send F5s on missions that should require a bigger ship. F5C (AM): Year in Service: Y143. Destroyer. While this is often labeled as a 'destroyer' and it is the size and power of a typical destroyer, it is only used by the Klingons as frigate leader, universally used for the leader of three-ship F5 squadrons. Two are produced per year in wartime. F5D (AM): Year in Service: Y137. Drone Frigate. This is a F5 variant that is meant to operate as a part of squadrons. Its mission is to provide a greater weight of drones in direct combat, not to perform drone bombardment mission. F5G (M): Year in Service: Y155. Commando Frigate. Often used in commando raids, often on targets inside the Empire. F5I (R8): Year in Service: Y150. Police Frigate. A slightly inferior version of the F5 used by the ISF. Generally, there are 10 in service. F5J (R3): Year in Service: Y136. Penal Frigate. Generally 4 of these penal ships would be in operation at any time. F5P (R8): Year in Service: Y152. Police Frigate Leader. An ISF version of the F5C. There are three, used to lead squadrons of F5Is. F5S (AM): Year in Service: Y138. Scout. A slightly larger and more capable fleet scout than the E4S, it is used in larger fleet engagements. F5T (R11): Year in Service: Y145. Transport. A larger and more capable transport than the E4T, it is also capable of carrying, but not operating, a pod. TGB [T6] (AM): Year in Service: Y124. Transport Tug. These serve as military transports and have a number of functions at the strategic level. Generally, there is one assigned to each fleet, and no more than one tug can be produced per year. TGA [T7] (AM): Year in Service: Y141. Fleet Tug. Serves as military transports in combat areas, and has a number of functions at the strategic level. Generally, there is one assigned to each border fleet, and no more than one tug can be produced per year. D6 (BS): Year in Service: Y122. Battlecruiser. The original Klingon cruiser (CA) design. War time production of D6s is 2/year. New D6s were still being built through most of the General War. In Y168, there were 21 D6s in active service, plus 19 D6 variants, 30 in mothballs, and another 9 in use by the Romulans. D6C (CL20): Year in Service: Y136. Command Cruiser. These command ships are meant to lead squadrons of D6s, and provide fleet flagships during peacetime. D6D (AM): Year in Service: Y135. Drone Cruiser. This is designed for long-range fire support by firing Type-III-XX drones at distant targets. The special sensors are used to identify targets at this long range. Until the advent of medium speed drones (-M), this is restricted to use against bases and other immobile objects. D6E (R3): Year in Service: Y125. Survey Cruiser. One of these was built to perform survey and exploration duties. In times of war it was sometimes used as a heavy fleet scout. D6F (CL13): Year in Service: Y162. Anti-Fighter Cruiser. A few D6s were equipped with type-E drone racks for drone and fighter defense. D6G (M): Year in Service: Y125. Commando Cruiser. Built as a heavy assault transport, there are only a few of them, but they are used in front-line combat against fixed defenses. D6I (CL20): Year in Service: Y140. Internal Security Cruiser. One of these was built to serve as the flagship of the ISF, replacing a worn-out D4I in that role. D6J (R3): Year in Service: Y124. Penal Battlecruiser. Generally, three of these are in operation at any time, losses would be high. This is a penal ship, dangerous duty where disgraced or unreliable Klingon subjects can prove themselves. They have a few extra rules (given in R3): the BPV has two values, the first is the normal value of the ship, the second is it's value with a poor crew (AM optional rule, which penal ships should use); they have extra security stations, but mutiny is automatic if the stations are all destroyed/captured. D6N (CL20): Year in Service: Y125. Diplomatic Cruiser. One of these was built to replace an aging D4N. D6S (R3): Year in Service: Y160. Heavy Scout Cruiser. Two of these were converted from existing D6s, and they showed that heavier scout platforms could be an asset to fleets. D7 (BS): Year in Service: Y135. Battlecruiser. This improved cruiser is externally the same as the D6, but internal differences make it impossible to convert a ship from a D6 to a D7. While the D7 is becoming the standard cruiser, the D6 is retained for use in specialized variants. Production is 2/year in wartime. D7C (AM): Year in Service: Y143. Command Cruiser. These command ships are meant to lead squadrons of D6s and D7s, eventually replacing the D6C class. D7E (R3): Year in Service: Y137. Survey Cruiser. One of these was built to perform survey and exploration duties. In times of war it was sometimes used as a cruiser-scout. FD7 (R7): Year in Service: Y162. Fast Battlecruiser. The initial "hot warp" design, faster both tactically and strategically. D7N (R3): Year in Service: Y137. Diplomatic Cruiser. A D7 with a nearly all-Klingon crew that is used as its own escort to senior government officials. C6 (R7): Year in Service: Y150. Early Dreadnought. Wartime leader of a full fleet. During peacetime, these ships usually stay docked at a starbase. Bigger and more powerful than any other class, with better command facilities, its weaponry is still only slightly better than a D7C's. Annex: Available Pods P-C1 (AM): Cargo Pod. Standard 24-box pod that can be used to haul any sort of cargo in military convoys. Number available: effectively infinite. P-P2 (AM): Power-Boost Pod. Trades cargo for power for use in dangerous areas. 12 cargo, 1 Impulse, 4 APR, 4 Battery, 2xPh-3 360. Carries 30 crew (inc. 1 boarding party), but cannot operate independently. While numbers would be limited, there would be enough for any current demand. P-T3 (AM): Troop Transport Pod. This can be used to transport any type of personnel, but when seen in combat (i.e., in SFB), it is probably ferrying troops for a planetary invasion. It carries 230 crew (people; 23 crew units), of which 200 are boarding parties. It has a bridge, impulse, shields, shuttles, and can land on planets on its own. Only 4 of these pods are in service at one time. P-B4 (AM): Battle Pod. Used to enhance the combat power of a tug, they allow a tug to be 'self-escorting' while delivering cargo kept internally, or to generate an extra heavy unit in a military emergency. Only 6 (three pairs) of these pods are in service at one time. 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