Destroyer Comparison

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BPV 94 71 89 85 78 98 90 68 76 80 99 80 70 78 88 90 80
Power 19 20 22 20 20 22 24 19 20 19 20 24 22 20 20 20 21
Power/BPV 0.202 0.281 0.247 0.235 0.256 0.224 0.267 0.279 0.263 0.238 0.202 0.3 0.314 0.256 0.227 0.222 0.263
Std Weap Pow 14 9 9 8 7 9 9 5 9 10 11 11 12 12 8 14 13
Pow - H - SWP 1.5 8.5 10.5 9.5 10.5 10.5 12.5 11.5 8.5 6.5 6.5 10.5 7.5 5.5 9.5 3.5 5.5
Shield Boxes 94 70 114 150 70 114 108 57 144 162 100 100 76 90 120 90 124
SB/BPV 1 0.986 1.281 1.765 0.897 1.163 1.2 0.838 1.895 2.025 1.010 1.25 1.086 1.154 1.364 1.0 1.55

This page defines any MC 1/2 ship as a 'Destroyer'. This includes the Klingon F5 series, which is really a large Frigate, but still about the size as most race's Destroyers.

The Hydran ship BPV includes its standard fighter complement.

A Destroyer is generally a large Size Class 4 ship that is used wherever the situation demands a more powerful unit than a Frigate. Many races skip this niche, either using more frigates, or relying heavily on Light Cruisers.

The Federation destroyer uses many common components with the CA, giving it unusually heavy firepower for its size. However, it is otherwise average, and thus has problems arming all weapons at once.

The F5 is a bit of an odd ship, it is larger than other frigates, but not as large and powerful as most destroyers. This leaves a ship more sturdy than most frigates, but less powerful than most destroyers.

The F5C is variously called a destroyer and a frigate leader. It is the size and power of most destroyers, however the Klingons only used it to lead squadrons of F5s, so it rarely operated alone.

Considered by the Romulans as a secondary cruiser design, the Hawk was less popular, possibly because of the shorter range of its pair of plasma-G torpedoes.

The Gorn's DD is a bit lighter than many race's destroyers, but was built to be a heavy smaller unit, and is capable of being upgraded to a heavier design in an emergency.

The Tholian DD is a superb design, being a heavy version of their standard PC.

The Hydran Lancer is the Fusion version of their destroyer, carrying four warp-powered fighters.

The Knight is the newer Hellbore equivalent to the Lancer, with no fighters.

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